Why subscribe?

In order to build sustainable political power, we need to stay informed on the issues in our community, we need to organize, and we need to act boldly. In order to preserve our gains and build upon our successes, we must remain vigilant and we must continue to seek ways to form community.

With this newsletter, I want to create an online community of Democrats and Progressives who are looking for a different voice in this sea of Red. As vital as our local, nonpartisan news outlets, we cannot consistently rely on them to present Progressive perspectives, or to elevate the lived experiences of those who are marginalized or ignored.

As conservative media continues to proliferate and capture traditional news sources, it is vital that Democrats create our own Progressive Media Ecosystem to communicate directly with our followers, provide tools for activism, and give ammunition to combat rampant misinformation.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every week, I will be providing: a week in review, upcoming events, and my own unique commentary. I want to highlight local progressive victories, promote events being hosted by organizations fighting for social justice, and eventually do some interviews with local activists, community leaders, and elected officials.

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Be part of a community of people who share your interests!

Subscribe to Waco Can't Wait

Waco, State, and Federal Politics from a Progressive Perspective


Texas Progressive 🤠 • @Baylor '18 🐻 • @BaylorLawSchool '23 ⚖️